The Infinite Healing Portal of Sacred Yoni Massage with Tantric Bodyworker Rina Trevi

In a rare treat for Ceremony Circle, we have a returning guest—Rina Trevi. Rina first joined me in episode 63, and if you heard that conversation, it will be no surprise to you that I wanted to have her on again!

Rina is many things, but she mainly calls herself a vulnerability coach. For more than a decade, she's traveled the world in pursuit of deep understanding and practice of eastern spirituality, immersing herself in tantric, erotic, and spiritual expression.

She's been a full-time dominatrix, doula, and sexological bodyworker—walking hundreds of men and women into getting in touch with their deeper selves through practices of surrender and vulnerability.

After connecting with Rina and her first podcast appearance, I knew I was supposed to work with her in some capacity, but I landed clearly on being guided to having a yoni massage. The experience ended up being so profound that I wanted to have her back on, to focus solely on this topic.

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. What a yoni massage is, why you would want to get one, and the potential benefits

  2. Why there are so few yoni massage therapists in the world—and the big way Rina is now on a mission to change that with her new certification program called Suhai

  3. We cover my five hour yoni massage session—what it was like and how it forever changed me

  4. What amarita is 

  5. How being triggered in a very safe, sacred container, actually holds great potential for deeper intimacy and infinite healing

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or

Visit Rina’s website, to learn more about her certification program called Suhai.

This episode was made possible by the bestselling Animal Power Book and Card Deck. Order from my website to get a free guided shamanic journey where you can meet your power animal!

Alyson Charles