2023 Divine Alchemy: Reflections & Intentions with my husband, Luke Storey

Recording for the first time from our healing sanctuary of a home in Austin, I bring to you a very special episode of Ceremony Circle, featuring an intimate conversation with me and my husband Luke Storey.

This being the first episode of 2023, we look both at the things that have happened to us and the exciting things coming our way this year and beyond.

We share experiences of addiction, self-acceptance, spiritual perfectionism, and some ways we have drawn closer together. Join us as we discuss our journey further into true intimacy, setting boundaries, and creating a world with more fairness, love, and truth.

Top 5 Things You’ll Learn from This Episode:

  1. how setting boundaries can be crucial for protecting yourself from abuse, toxic behaviors, codependency etc.

  2. why having authentic and honest relationships is key for growth 

  3. our thoughts on homemaking, and how homemakers should be celebrated for their important role, not just for the family unit, but for the entire world

  4. ways that meditation and spending time in nature can help connect with the divine 

  5. shifting from fear to love and focusing on solutions can help create an age of enlightenment

Make sure to join us in our closing Ceremony Circle practice: Luke gives me a card reading, from my very own Animal Power Card Deck, for the very first time.

Find more from me on IG at @IAMALYSONCHARLES or alysoncharles.com

Visit Luke’s Instagram, listen to his podcast, The Life Stylist or check out the top health, metaphysical & wellness products he most recommends here.

Alyson Charles